Saturday, December 15, 2012

Winter Intersession!

I hope everyone enjoys their winter break!!

See you back on January 7th!

Don't forget to complete your homework packets for math, science, reading, and writing!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Almost Time for Break!

Sorry I have not updated in a few weeks, we have been very busy preparing for the upcoming NWEA test and learning all that we can before our three weeks off!

This week we will be reviewing arrays as we continue to look at factors.  We will be completing daily workshops to practice the skills we have learned.

To keep our minds rolling and thinking, each student will receive a homework packet (5 pages front and back) of review materials for the three week break.

On Friday, we will have our winter celebration assembly.  Each 4th grade class will be performing!  Parents, look out for the invitations which will be sent out later this week!

Homework this week:
Monday - Solving word problems with arrays
Tuesday - Finding factors using arrays
Wednesday - Finding factors in word problems
Thursday -Cycle 4 Test Corrections
Friday - Winter Break Packet